I didn't have the easiest up bringings, neither did a lot of my peers. But still I've maintained my goals and focused on what it is that I want in life. Now a lot of my peers that didn't strive to go to college as I did, have had the same opportunities as I, so I couldn't fathom why so many of the same peers weren't there for me, like I was for them, or why they didn't care, or even notice all the sacrifices I've had to make to be where I am. This made me angry, so I would say "Well you make your bed you lie in it." Now I still believe in that quote but I no longer say I don't have pity for anyone.
I often hear people say "Don't act like you don't have the same 24 hours as Beyoncé" well not all of us has the mentality as Beyoncé. Some of us don't have the mentors and the love to push us forward. Everyone has different battles that they have to face, and some aren't as strong as others to do so.
From day one I was told that I am loved by Christ. That's made such a huge impact on my life and has made a difference in the choices that I make.
I learned in church yesterday that once you find yourself through Him [Jesus] the devil can never bring you down. God made us in the image, the likeness of Him, once you can accept that you will never be lost. "Satan wants us to think we were born for the dirt, we were born for the Glory."
So I'm choosing not to have a bitter heart anymore. Instead of holding anger & resentment I'm going to fill that void with peace & love. Because how can I be true to God & myself if I'm not aware of my mistakes and trying to change them?
XO Sammie
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