Friday, February 14, 2014

Best Friends

Friends do truly come & go.
I've learned this the hard way, many times. You think somebody is your friend & you simply find out that they weren't. Friend is, to me, a precious word. 

Friend: noun
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter.

A friend is someone who cares for you, wants your best interest. A friend is someone you can call in a time of need, or when you're "in your feelings" (a slang saying for feeling emotional). A friend is someone who doesn't talk negatively when you're not around. A friend who cheers you on through the fight. 

Best Friends are all of the qualities above plus more. Best Friends are the ones who always have your back. Even when you're wrong they will agree with you, but later tell you what's up. Best Friends are the ones you talk to daily, they know your deepest fears & secrets. Best Friends know your family, they don't judge. They have your family members phone numbers. Best Friends are usually part of the struggle, they need to eat, you feed them. Need a girls night out, they'll cancel their plans with their boyfriend to be with you. Best Friends are the ones that when you get into an argument, no problem, yall hash it out right then & there, no grudges. Best Friends are still Best Friends through distance, haven't talked in a while? That's fine, yall will catch up in two minutes. 

I've heard a lot of people say "I don't believe in a "best friend". I simply just cannot agree. I think people say this because, like I said before, friends come & go. I think that you can have multiple Best Friends, you can have Best Friends that are no longer your friend. In that time in your life, that person was there for you, you were there for them. At that moment in time that person meant a lot to you. 

Now I don't like to use the term Best Friend loosely. But in the past year I gained a Best Friend & she's everything I've mentioned so far. 

I also have other Best Friends that I've grown up with, but who are distant. I know with out a doubt I can call anyone of them for anything & they will drop whatever they are doing to hear me & vice versa. 

I hope to find me a man that will be my Best Friend, but in the mean time I have my girls! 

Happy Valentines day yall ❤️! 
XO Sammie 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Lost & Found

I've recently learned a few things about myself.. It made me conscious of the fact that I am constantly growing. I tend to be really opinionated, I get it from my aunt & my mom. Up until a week or two ago I was really strung out on the fact that I don't pity anyone who has chose a different path than me and is unhappy. Now this sounds really stuck up & bitchy, but let me explain why I thought this way.
I didn't have the easiest up bringings, neither did a lot of my peers. But still I've maintained my goals and focused on what it is that I want in life. Now a lot of my peers that didn't strive to go to college as I did, have had the same opportunities as I, so I couldn't fathom why so many of the same peers weren't there for me, like I was for them, or why they didn't care, or even notice all the sacrifices I've had to make to be where I am. This made me angry, so I would say "Well you make your bed you lie in it." Now I still believe in that quote but I no longer say I don't have pity for anyone. 
I often hear people say "Don't act like you don't have the same 24 hours as BeyoncĂ©" well not all of us has the mentality as BeyoncĂ©. Some of us don't have the mentors and the love to push us forward. Everyone has different battles that they have to face, and some aren't as strong as others to do so. 
From day one I was told that I am loved by Christ. That's made such a huge impact on my life and has made a difference in the choices that I make. 
I learned in church yesterday that once you find yourself through Him [Jesus] the devil can never bring you down. God made us in the image, the likeness of Him, once you can accept that you will never be lost. "Satan wants us to think we were born for the dirt, we were born for the Glory." 
So I'm choosing not to have a bitter heart anymore. Instead of holding anger & resentment I'm going to fill that void with peace & love. Because how can I be true to God & myself if I'm not aware of my mistakes and trying to change them? 

XO Sammie 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Gods Timing is Perfect Timing

Sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by negativity.
It can be really frustrating, especially since I tend to be a relatively positive person.
I feel like I do a lot in my day to day life, and God gives me the ability to still maintain my happiness. 
Now it hasn't always been like this, I've battled depression and anxiety, but still I rise. My Grandma always told me "Samantha you leave your problems and hurts at the door, you don't carry them with you." That's exactly what I do. I keep myself busy, so I don't have time to sit around & mope about what I don't have and what I wish I had. For instance, recently I had to finally come to terms with being single. 
I am beautiful, intelligent, witty, funny, sarcastic, I can cook, clean, basically a good woman, so why wouldn't anyone want me? That's what I was struggling with for so long. My aunt told me, "Samantha this [not having a man] should be the least of your worries. I am so excited for you because I know God has someone perfect for YOU. I am rejoicing, because I know he isn't going to give you anything but the best, Samantha you deserve the best." My aunt telling me this, and many other things, made me realize that she is right. Right now I am far too busy to even think about being in a relationship. Often times I would be sad because all my friends are coupled off, but I know that its simply not my time. "Gods timing is perfect timing" couldn't be anymore true for me. Yes, some days I'm going to fall & get sad, but that's apart of being human. I can only stay positive and tell myself that God has something great in store for me. I'm a daughter of the King, of course he does! "Even if there were 90 sheep in a pin, and I went lost, He would still come back for me." Thanks Grandma.